Vigo County School Corporation Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

Vigo County School Corporation Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview


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Vigo County School Corporation Calendar: A Comprehensive Overview

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The Vigo County School Corporation (VCSC) serves the educational needs of students residing in Vigo County, Indiana. With a commitment to academic excellence and student success, VCSC has established a comprehensive calendar that outlines important dates, events, and holidays for the upcoming school year. This article provides a detailed overview of the VCSC calendar, highlighting key dates and providing essential information for students, parents, and the community.

Academic Calendar

The VCSC academic calendar follows a traditional schedule, with classes beginning in August and concluding in May. The school year is divided into two semesters, with each semester consisting of approximately 18 weeks of instruction.

Start and End Dates

The 2023-2025 school year is scheduled to commence on August 7, 2023, and conclude on May 24, 2025.

Holidays and Breaks

VCSC observes several holidays and breaks throughout the school year, providing students and staff with well-deserved time off. These include:

  • Labor Day: September 4, 2023
  • Fall Break: October 9-13, 2023
  • Thanksgiving Break: November 23-24, 2023
  • Winter Break: December 23, 2023 – January 2, 2025
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day: January 16, 2025
  • Spring Break: March 11-15, 2025
  • Memorial Day: May 27, 2025

Professional Development Days

VCSC allocates specific days throughout the school year for professional development activities, allowing teachers and staff to engage in ongoing learning and improvement. These days are typically scheduled during the first and last weeks of each semester.

Assessment Days

VCSC administers various assessments throughout the school year to monitor student progress and inform instructional decisions. These assessments include standardized tests, classroom assignments, and performance-based tasks.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

VCSC encourages open communication between parents and teachers. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled throughout the school year, providing opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress and collaborate with their teachers.

Extracurricular Activities

VCSC offers a wide range of extracurricular activities for students, including sports, clubs, and organizations. These activities provide students with opportunities for personal growth, leadership development, and social interaction.

School Board Meetings

The VCSC School Board holds regular meetings to discuss district policies, make decisions, and provide updates to the community. These meetings are open to the public and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to engage with the district leadership.

Calendar Accessibility

The VCSC calendar is accessible online and can be easily downloaded or printed for reference. The district also provides mobile applications that allow users to stay up-to-date with school events and important dates.

Importance of the Calendar

The VCSC calendar plays a crucial role in planning and organizing the school year. It helps students, parents, and the community stay informed about important dates and events. By adhering to the calendar, stakeholders can ensure that they are prepared for upcoming deadlines, activities, and breaks.


The Vigo County School Corporation calendar provides a comprehensive overview of the upcoming school year, outlining important dates, events, and holidays. By understanding and adhering to this calendar, students, parents, and the community can effectively plan their schedules and stay engaged with the district. VCSC’s commitment to academic excellence and student success is evident in the carefully crafted calendar that supports the educational journey of all learners.

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